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Книга ISBN13 9780670915651 - Juliet, Naked (Nick Hornby) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: Juliet, Naked
Annie and Duncan are a mid-thirties couple who have reached a fork in the road, realising their shared interest in the reclusive musician Tucker Crowe (in Duncan's case, an obsession rather than an interest) is not enough to hold them together...
Авторы: Nick Hornby
Издательство: Penguin Group
Год: 2010
Местонахождение: My-shop.ru
ISBN: 978-0-670-91565-1
Название: Juliet, Naked
Annie and Duncan fit together naturally, like jigsaw pieces, though Duncan's passionate obsession with Tucker Crowe, the reclusive, tortured-genius songwriter, has never left much time for anything more meaningful - marriage, kids, conversations about something other than Tucker Crowe and his disappearance after a mysterious incident in a nightclub toilet twenty years previously. In fact, Annie's starting to wonder whether she's wasted fifteen years on a bad relationship, stuck in a dull job in a dull town on England's bleak east coast. When Tucker's record company suddenly issue a stripped-down version of his most famous album, Tucker's first release for decades, and Annie just can't see what's good about it, or at least what's better about it than the original, Duncan finds solace in bed with somebody else - and Annie is at last liberated to throw him out. But worse is to follow for Duncan: Annie is not alone in her opinion. After she posts a review on a fan website,...
Авторы: Nick Hornby
Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
Год: 2009
Местонахождение: OZON.ru
ISBN: 978-0-670-91565-1

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