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Книга ISBN13 9780670920136 - Georgian London: Into the Streets (Lucy Inglis) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: Georgian London: Into the Streets
In Georgian London: Into the Streets, Lucy Inglis takes readers on a tour of London's most formative age - the age of love, sex, intellect, art, great ambition and fantastic ruin. You can travel back to the Georgian years, a time that changed expectations of what life could be. You can peek into the gilded drawing rooms of the aristocracy, walk down the quiet avenues of the new middle class, and crouch in the damp doorways of the poor. But watch your wallet - tourists make perfect prey for the thriving community of hawkers, prostitutes and scavengers. Visit the madhouses of Hackney, the workshops of Soho and the mean streets of Cheapside. Have a coffee in the city, check the stock exchange, and pop into St Paul's to see progress on the new dome. This book is about the Georgians who called London their home, from dukes and artists to rent boys and hot air balloonists meeting dog-nappers and life-models along the way. It investigates the legacies they left us in architecture and art,...
Авторы: Lucy Inglis
Издательство: Viking Books
Год: 2013
Местонахождение: OZON.ru
ISBN: 978-0-670-92013-6

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