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Книга ISBN13 9781841126760 - The Way of the Dog. The Art of Making Success Inevitable (Geoff Burch) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: The Way of the Dog. The Art of Making Success Inevitable
The Way of the Dog is a self-help classic. It tells the story of failed salesman, Derek Stubbins, who wanders into a brothers Grimm nightmare and gets turned into a dog. He has to learn the way of the dog to get by. He has to develop the simple, clear way of thinking that a sheepdog has for its task. In doing so, he finds that he can achieve any goal he desires. It is the perfect pathway to success. Why a dog? A dog has only two states of thought, which are happy, and waiting to be happy. When it has a task to do, it sees the beginning and the end. It doesn't become anxious or depressed at the size of the job, but just undertakes it and deals with obstacles as they come. It always succeeds. Geoff Burch taps into the core of great personal development writing in The Way of the Dog. He focuses on the two big questions – what do you want to do with your life and how do you do it? By following the way of the dog, each obstacle in your path is dealt with unfailingly, one at a time. And if you don't know where you're going or what you need to make you happy, the sheepdog will show you how to recognise a sheep and not to waste time with goats. The Way of the Dog offers timeless, accessible, fast-paced, funny and memorable advice. Inspiring lifestyle wisdom is brought out through simple storytelling. Plan your course through life and overcome every obstacle in your path by adopting The Way of the Dog's route map to success. Unlike the instructions in flat-pack furniture, anyone can understand it, it is easy to do, and the outcome will not be a surprise or a disappointment. The Way of the Dog contains the secrets of success.
Авторы: Geoff Burch
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Год: 0
Местонахождение: LitRes.ru
ISBN: 9781841126760

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