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Книга ISBN13 9781907140648 - The Suburban Cage (Marion Kille) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: The Suburban Cage
When beautiful college student, Rosemary Stanton bumps into handsome Police Constable Adam Kent, the physical attraction is mutual. Unfortunately, before they can meet again, she makes a fateful trip to a local nightclub and vanishes. Haunted by her disappearance, Adam along with his police colleagues make a valiant effort to track her down but without success. She is assumed dead though Adam secretly retains a hope that one day he will find her. The truth, however, is much more sinister because her life has not ended, it has been stolen. She had fallen under the eye of a silent stalker and brazenly taken, her youthful innocence destroyed. Rosemary is forced violently into her captor's world of debasement and depravity imprisoned just inches away behind the rose beds and twitching curtains of suburbia. The Suburban Cage is a story how one man's obsession leads him to commit a heinous crime and how he would do anything to keep his fantasy alive.
Авторы: Marion Kille
Издательство: Книга по Требованию
Год: 2012
Местонахождение: OZON.ru
ISBN: 9781907140648

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10 января 2015 года: Запуск базы ISBN10 и ISBN13

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