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Книга ISBN13 9781907360183 - Celtic Fairy Tales (подарочное издание) (Joseph Jacobs) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: Celtic Fairy Tales
Joseph Jacobs (1854-1916) was a noted literary and folklorist. He edited a number of books of fairy tales, including this work and its sequel, More Celtic Fairy Tales. It includes the famous stories Conal Hammerclaw, The Story of Deirdre, Gold-Tree...
Авторы: Joseph Jacobs
Издательство: CRW Publishing
Год: 2011
Местонахождение: My-shop.ru
ISBN: 978-1-907360-18-3
Название: Celtic Fairy Tales (подарочное издание)
Joseph Jacobs collected these fairy stories in the closing days of the nineteenth century. They are engaging brief episodes of fancy and fantasy from the oral tradition, which were designed to engage and fascinate the young mind. In this fast-paced, electronic world where life whizzes and fizzes by, it is a comfort and joy to pause awhile to savour such delights from a simpler and less pressured age. Reading one of these stories is the literary equivalent of stepping into the quiet and majesty of a medieval church or a circle of standing stones. In the twenty-first century there is a renewed appetite for magic, fairies, and fantastic worlds. With Celtic Fairy Tales, we are not only entertained but can also feel the gentle spiritual hand of history resting on our shoulders.
Авторы: Joseph Jacobs
Издательство: Collector's Library
Год: 2011
Местонахождение: OZON.ru
ISBN: 978-1-907360-18-3
Название: Celtic Fairy Tales (подарочное издание)
Данное издание является подарочным. Тисненые под золото страницы с шёлковым, плетеным ляссе в тканевом переплете. Книга содержит сертификат, который свидетельствует о том, что книга "Celtic Fairy Tale" является коллекционным изданием. Joseph Jacobs collected these fairy stories in the closing days of the nineteenth century. They are engaging brief episodes of fancy and fantasy from the oral tradition, which were designed to engage and fascinate the young mind. In this fast-paced, electronic world where life whizzes and fizzes by, it is a comfort and joy to pause awhile to savour such delights from a simpler and less pressured age. Reading one of these stories is the literary equivalent of stepping into the quiet and majesty of a medieval church or a circle of standing stones. In the twenty-first century there is a renewed appetite for magic, fairies, and fantastic worlds. With Celtic Fairy Tales, we are not only entertained but can also feel the gentle spiritual hand of...
Авторы: Joseph Jacobs
Издательство: CRW Publishing Limited
Год: 2011
Местонахождение: OZON.ru
ISBN: 978-1-907360-18-3

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