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Книга ISBN13 9781909151031 - Gestational Diabetes explained. Gestational Diabetes symptoms, diet, meal plan, causes, diagnosis, treatments, managing GD, medication, emotional health all included. (Robert Rymore) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: Gestational Diabetes explained. Gestational Diabetes symptoms, diet, meal plan, causes, diagnosis, treatments, managing GD, medication, emotional health all included.
Millions of people are suffering from Gestational Diabetes. This is another very informative book by Robert Rymore. He continues with his interest in writing medical educational guides. This guide is intended to be a tool, one that will give you a lot of helpful information. Gestational Diabetes symptoms, diet, meal plan, causes, diagnosis, treatments, managing GD, medication, emotional health all included. This book is a comprehensive guide covering information on Gestational Diabetes, controlling and managing all possible risk factors and proper assistance regarding dietary recommendations. For those mothers who don't have this disease, it allows to seek protection from gestational diabetes when they go through one of the most important periods of their lives. For those who, unfortunately suffer from this disease, it provides a clear path that can safely bring them to their destination. This book is planned to reference you in managing your Gestational diabetes and at the same...
Авторы: Robert Rymore
Издательство: Книга по Требованию
Год: 2014
Местонахождение: OZON.ru
ISBN: 9781909151031

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