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Книга ISBN13 9785282031799 - Multipolarity: myth or reality? (Перская Виктория Вадимовна, Глуховцев Всеволод Эдуардович) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: Multipolarity: myth or reality?
Authors of this research analyse transition to multipolarity as a way to secure sustainable dynamic development and overcoming of the negative trends observed recently in the global community. Authors believe that multipolarity represents a combination of political and economic factors and in the world of globalisation it is the economy where new poles / concentration centres for political interests, economic relationship and fair trade are formed. Multipolarity requires elimination of confrontation between such poles / centres based on armaments race and extensive use of military strategies for political and economic purposes. Authors analyse: unipolarity in the world of globalisation; possibilities of return to bipolarity and multipolarity given the growing number of entities subject to international law and loss of territorial integrity by some states; regionalisation and its main tools and methods (strategic partnership and regional integration) for transition to multipolarity (by analysing how these methods function in specific regional agreements); role of the Russian economic policy in today's environment for gradual and ongoing development of national economy in the global multipolar economic system; monetary and financial aspects of incentives programmes related to transition to multipolarity and sustainable operation of the world's monetary system. This research is recommended for the use by government bodies and scientific and research institutes, and also for education of undergraduate and post-graduate students majoring in Economics and for additional training of government officials. Dear readers, we hope that the range of aspects we research in this book will let you share our point of view and apply the proposed solutions and concepts in your work.
Авторы: Перская Виктория Вадимовна, Глуховцев Всеволод Эдуардович
Издательство: Р­РєРѕРЅРѕРјРёРєР°
Год: 2011
Местонахождение: Лабиринт
ISBN: 978-5-282-03179-9

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