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Книга ISBN13 9788831713481 - The Battle For Modernism: Quadrante and the Politicization of Architectural Discourse in Fascist Italy (David Rifkind) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: The Battle For Modernism: Quadrante and the Politicization of Architectural Discourse in Fascist Italy
The other side of twentieth-century architectural history in Italy and Europe. The short-lived cultural journal Quadrante transformed the practice of architecture in fascist Italy. Over the course of three years (1933-36), the magazine agitated for an "architecture of the state" that would represent the values and aspirations of the fascist regime, and in so doing it changed the language with which architcts and their clientele addressed the built environment. Quadrante rallied supporters and organized the most prominent practitioners and benefactors of Italian rationalism into a coherent movement that advanced the cause of specific currents of modern architecture in interwar Italy. Through a detailed study of Quadrante and its circle of architects, critics, artists, and patrons, the book investigates the relationship between modern architecture and fascist political practices in Italy during Benito Mussolini's regime (1922-1943).
Авторы: David Rifkind
Издательство: Marsilio
Год: 2013
Местонахождение: OZON.ru
ISBN: 978-8-8317-1348-1

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