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Книга ISBN13 9789020903812 - Fashion Icons: Fashion Trends Throughout the Centuries (Leen Demeester) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: Fashion Icons.ashion Trends Throughout the Centuries
"The history of the corset proves that women have attached great importance to outward appearance and this since more than 2000 years. The corset was not a fashion item for the masses. The first flourishing period for the corset dates back to the...
Авторы: Demeester Leen
Издательство: Antique Collectors Club
Год: 2013
Местонахождение: My-shop.ru
ISBN: 978-90-209-0381-2
Название: Fashion Icons: Fashion Trends Throughout the Centuries
Fashion changes every day. Fashion trends throughout the centuries are a fascinating topic. The history of fashion proves that women have attached great importance to outward appearance for more than 2000 years. Beauty is our business card and fashion our code. In Fashion Icons, Leen Demeester explores fashion trends throughout the centuries and answers questions about the evolution of fashion and emancipation of women in the Western world. She traces the origins of items of clothing such as the corset, the bra, the dress, the mini-skirt, trousers, accessories and high heels. These "icons" show a distinct parallel between the history of fashion and women. Top designers such as Manolo Blahnik, Yves Saint Laurent, JP Gaultier and Marlies Dekkers confirm that the image of a woman and her place in society depends on her appearance and especially on the clothes she wears.
Авторы: Leen Demeester
Издательство: Lannoo International
Год: 2012
Местонахождение: OZON.ru
ISBN: 978-90-209-03812

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