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Книга ISBN13 9789657450857 - Mega Life (Ben Shaul) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: Mega Life
Mega-Life, by Ben-Shaul, follows his hugely successful Hebrew book, The Second Life Cycle - The New Education for Life Cycles and Careers, published in Israel which is noted for longevity rates among the highest in the Western world. The author describes a world in which we can already guarantee our children a "mega-life" - a much longer life than we have known - till now. With Western populations changing so drastically, the world as we know it is transforming before our very eyes. This book explains why there hasn't been a grand psychological theory of aging for over 50 years and formulates a new and revolutionary definition of aging - different from the World Health Organization's. Since the publication of Mega-Life in 2011, Ben-Shaul has become the Israeli media's leading expert on the effects of increasing longevity. He "tells you what no one has said in a long time - there's time, for all of us, plenty of time . . . Ben-Shaul's euphoria, I have to say, convinced me." (R....
Авторы: Ben Shaul
Издательство: Книга по Требованию
Год: 2011
Местонахождение: OZON.ru
ISBN: 9789657450857

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