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Книга ISBN13 9789812457738 - Unique Window Display Handbook (Serrats Marta) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: Unique Window Display Handbook
"Unique Window Display Handbook" is a selection of the best international urban window displays and art installations that uses unique stage design to present products. Divided into three chapters, Interactive and Multimedia Storefronts, Mise-en-Scene and Graphic Windows, the book is a one-off compilation of the window displays created by leading names like Selfridges, Moschino, Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Vingon, and artists such as Rebecca Hackemann, Beth Campbell, Sean Capone, Steve Wilson and Elmgreen & Dragset, among others. In line with statistics, readers of "Unique Window Display Handbook" should devote a maximum of 11 seconOs to each project for its message to be conveyed effectively. Through 256 pages of brilliant colour photographs, illustrations and detailed plans for each installation, the book is a must for all those who wish to understand visual merchandising and discover the new tools used in current exhibitions.
Авторы: Serrats Marta
Издательство: PAGE ONE
Год: 2010
Местонахождение: Лабиринт
ISBN: 9789812457738

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