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Книга ISBN13 9789812589668 - Insight Guides: Italian Lakes Step by Step (Susie Boulton, Lisa Gerard-Sharp) в магазинах, библиотеках и электронных библиотеках с он-лайн чтением

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Название: Insight Guides: Italian Lakes Step by Step
Take a fresh approach to the Italian Lakes with this "Step by Step" guide, part of a brand new, stylishly designed series from Insight Guides. Lavishly illustrated in full colour, this book features 18 irresistible self-guided walks and tours, written by a local expert and packed with great insider tips. Whether you are new to the area or a repeat visitor, this guide has something to suit all budgets, tastes, and trip lengths, showing you the smartest way to link the various sights of the Italian Lakes and taking you beyond the beaten tourist track. As well as covering the Italian Lakes' many classic attractions, the routes track lesser-known sights and up-and-coming areas. All the walks and tours come with clear, easy-to-follow full-colour maps and hand-picked places to eat and drink en route. A "Key Facts" box at the start of each tour highlights the recommended time needed to enjoy it to the full, plus the distance covered and a start and end point; all this makes it simple to find...
Авторы: Susie Boulton, Lisa Gerard-Sharp
Издательство: Apa Publications Ltd
Год: 2009
Местонахождение: OZON.ru
ISBN: 978-981-258-966-8

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